Where customs duty has been paid, Avocet Consulting audit where the goods have come from and how the goods have been classified and valued, with a view to identifying potential customs duty savings. We look to recover customs duty retrospectively where appropriate, this may involve evidencing preferential origin or a more appropriate tariff code that has a lower rate of customs duty solutions that meet your design and functionality requirements.
We utilise Management Support System (MSS) data (provided by HMRC) to undertake our reviews. The data provides an overview of all customs entries made under your EORI, detailing many of the data points from the original declarations made by you/ your agents (on your behalf) when importing or exporting goods.
Larger companies may operate duty management software that provide direct access to CHIEF / CDS to make customs declarations, again we review this data with a view to minimising customs duty and customs compliance risk. Our work can unlock customs duty savings both retrospectively (up to 3 years) and going forward.